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Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) under GST - Explained

In case of certain notified supplies, the receiver of goods or services is liable to pay GST under reverse charge mechanism (RCM). Read more on reverse charge mechanism, its applicability, goods & services notified under such, its impact on eCommerce Operators, and related frequently asked questions

Authored by COE Team, EZTax
Last Reviewed: Nov 11th 2024
Reverse Charge Mechanism

This document covers

  1. Applicability of Reverse Charge
  2. Goods notified
  3. Services notified
  4. Tax Payable by the e-Commerce
  5. Supply of Services by a Goods Transport Agency (GTA)
  6. Taxability, RCM of Renting as a Service
  7. Invoicing under Reverse Charge Mechanism
  8. FAQs on Reverse Charge

1. Applicability of Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM)

Generally, the supplier of goods or services is liable to pay GST. However, in case of certain notified supplies, the receiver of goods or services is liable to pay GST under reverse charge mechanism. Reverse charge means the liability to pay tax is on the recipient of goods or services instead of supplier of such goods or services.

Reverse Charge will be applicable in case of following situations

1) Supplies received by registered persons from unregistered suppliers

  • GST on reverse charge is levied if there is intra State supply of goods or services or both by an unregistered supplier to a registered person and the value exceed Rs 5000 in a day.
  • GST on reverse charge is payable on inter State supply of goods by an unregistered supplier to registered supplier

2) Supply of certain goods or services notified by CBEC

2. Goods notified under Reverse Charge

Reverse Charge is applicable in the case of below notified goods

S.NoNature of GoodsSupplierRecipient of Goods (Liable to Pay GST on RCM)
1Cashewnuts [not shelled/peeled], bidi wrapper leaves, tobacco leaves and raw cottonAgriculturistRegistered person in GST
2Supply of lotteryState Government, Union Territory or any local authorityLottery Distributor or Selling Agent
3Silk YarnManufacturer of Silk YarnRegistered person in GST
4Used vehicles, seized and confiscated goods, old and used goods, waste and scrapCentral Government, State Government, Union Territory or any local authorityRegistered person in GST
5Priority sector lending certificateRegistered PersonRegistered Person

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3. Services notified under Reverse Charge

The following categories of services are notified under reverse charge mechanism. The recipient of services is liable to pay GST in case of following services

S.NoNature of ServiceService ProviderService Recipient (Liable to Pay GST on RCM)
1Supply of Services by a Goods Transport Agency (GTA)Goods Transport Agency (GTA)Factory, society, co-operative society, body corporate, any person registered under GST, partnership firm, casual taxable person
2Legal ServicesIndividual Advocate including a senior advocate or firm of advocatesAny business entity located in the taxable territory
3Arbitral Tribunal ServicesAn arbitral tribunalAny business entity located in taxable territory
4Sponsorship ServicesAny personAny body corporate or partnership firm located in the taxable territory.
5Services supplied by the Central Government, State Government, Union territory or local authority to a business entity excluding,
  1. Renting of immovable property, and
  2. Services specified below
    1. services by the Department of Posts
    2. services in relation to an aircraft or a vessel, inside or outside the precincts of a port or an airport
    3. transport of goods or passengers
Central Government, State Government, Union territory or local authorityAny business entity located in the taxable territory
5AServices supplied by Central Government, State Government, Union territory/ local authority by way of renting of immovable property to a person registered under GSTGovernment, Union territory or local authorityAny person registered under the GST Act
5AAService by way of renting of residential dwelling to a registered personAny personAny registered person
5BServices supplied by any person by way of transfer of development rights (TDR) or Floor Space Index (FSI) (including additional FSI) for construction of a project by a promoterAny personPromoter
5CLong term lease of land (30 years or more) by any person against consideration in the form of upfront amount (called as premium, salami, cost, price, development charges or by any other name) and/or periodic rent for construction of a project by a promoterAny personPromoter
6Services provided by a director of a company or body corporateA director of a company or a body corporateCompany or a body corporate located in the taxable territory

NOTE: If the director remuneration is declared as Salaries and TDS is deducted u/s 192, it is not considered for RCM and there is no GST

7Insurance agent ServicesAn insurance agentAny person carrying on insurance business, located in the taxable territory
8Recovery Agent ServicesA recovery agentA banking company or a financial institution or a nonbanking financial company, located in the taxable territory.
9Supply of services by a music composer, photographer, artist or the like by way of transfer or permitting the use or enjoyment of a copyright relating to original dramatic, musical or artistic worksMusic composer, photographer, artist, or the likeMusic company, producer or the like, located in the taxable territory.
9ASupply of services by an author by way of transfer or permitting the use or enjoyment of a copyright relating to original literary works to a publisherAuthorPublisher located in the taxable territory

NOTE: An author can also choose to pay tax under forward charge if he has taken GST Registration

10Supply of services by the members of Overseeing Committee to RBIMembers of Overseeing Committee constituted by RBIRBI
11Services provided by Individual Direct Selling Agents (DSA)Individual Direct Selling Agents (DSAs) other than a body corporate, partnership or LLP firmA banking company or a NBFC, located in the taxable territory
12Business Facilitator ServicesBusinessfacilitatorA banking company, located in the taxable territory
13BusinessCorrespondentServicesAn agent of business correspondentA business correspondent, located in the taxable territory.
14Security ServicesAny Person other than a Body CorporateA Registered person located in the taxable territory
15Services provided by way of renting of any motor vehicle designed to carry passengers where the cost of fuel is included in the consideration charged from the service recipientAny person, other than a body corporate who supplies service to a body corporate & doesn’t issue an invoice charging CGST @6% to service recipientAny body corporate located in the taxable territory.

NOTE1: If service provider is Body Corporate, reverse charge is not applicable

NOTE2:If the Service provider wants to pay GST @ 12% by claiming full ITC, reverse charge is not applicable

16Services of lending of securities under Securities Lending Scheme, 1997 (“Scheme”) of Securities and Exchange Board of India, as amendedLender i.e., a person who deposits securities registered in his name/in the name of any other person duly authorised on his behalf with an approved intermediary for the purpose of lending under Scheme of SEBIBorrower i.e., a person who borrows the securities under the Scheme through an approved intermediary of SEBI.

4. Tax Payable by the e-Commerce operator on notified services

4.1. Who is an e-Commerce Operator (ECO)
  • Electronic Commerce, aka e-Commerce Operators (ECO) displays products as well as services which are supplied by some other person to the consumer on their electronic portal.
  • The consumers buy such goods / services through these portals.
  • The actual supplier supplies the selected product / service to the consumer on the selection.
  • The consideration for the product / service is collected by the ECO from the consumer and passed on to actual supplier after the deduction of ECO commission.

4.2. RCM applicability on e-Commerce Operator (ECO)

The government has notified the specific categories of services where the tax on intra state supplies shall be paid by the E Commerce operator if such services are supplies through it.

  1. Services by way of transportation of passengers by a radio taxi, motor cab, minicab and motor cycle
  2. Services by way of providing accommodation in hotels, inns, guest houses, clubs etc except where the person supplying such service through e commerce operator is liable for registration under GST act
  3. Services by way of housekeeping such as plumbing, carpentering etc except where the person supplying such service through e commerce operator is liable for registration under GST act

5. Supply of Services by a Goods Transport Agency (GTA)

Generally GTA can pay the taxes either on Forward Charge or Reverse Charge

  1. Forward Charge: if GTA wants to pay the taxes themselves, 2 GST rates are applicable to them
    1. 5%: GTA’s can pay the taxes @ 5% but they cannot claim any ITC (Input tax Credit)
    2. 12% : GTA’s can pay the taxes @ 12% but they can claim ITC (Input tax Credit)
  2. Reverse Charge: If GTA’s don’t want to pay taxes themselves, they can opt for reverse charge

6. Taxability, RCM of Renting as a Service

Taxability of Renting under different circumstances, both residential and commercial spaces.

  1. Renting of Residential dwelling for residential purpose
    S.NoLandlordTenantTaxabilityWho is required to pay GST?
    1RegisteredRegistered18% under RCMTenant
    3UnregisteredRegistered18% under RCMTenant
  2. Renting of Residential dwelling for Commercial purpose
    S.NoLandlordTenantTaxabilityWho is required to pay GST?
    1RegisteredRegistered18% under Forward chargeLandlord
    2RegisteredUnregistered18% under Forward chargeLandlord

7. Invoicing under Reverse Charge Mechanism

  • Based on the RCM requirement, w.e.f 01st November 2024, Self invoicing under RCM is mandatory
  • Self-Invoicing and maintaining a copy of such invoice (for future reference) is mandatory to claim ITC.
  • The business needs to raise the tax invoice within 30 days from the receipt of service.

8. FAQ's on Reverse Charge Bill under GST

1.Is it lawful to collect tax from recipient of supply on reverse charge basis?

Yes, as long as the tax is on the subject of levy, the Government is free to collect this tax from any person either the supplier or the recipient or anyone else. Even a third party can be called upon to deposit the tax provided there is some nexus such as collection of payment for the supply between two other persons.

2.What is the effect of reverse charge on input tax credit?

The recipient who pays tax on reverse charge basis can take the input tax credit of the tax paid under reverse charge. For supplier whose tax is paid by the recipient, value of such supply will be treated as ‘exempt supply’.

3.In case supplier has paid GST which, was payable by recipient on reverse charge, is recipient discharged from the liability to pay tax on reverse charge?

No, even if supplier has somehow paid tax, reverse charge liability must be discharged by the recipient.

4.Is GST wrongly paid by supplier available as input tax credit (ITC) to recipient? [In case of Reverse Charge] ?

No, GST wrongly paid by supplier cannot be claimed as input tax credit (ITC) by recipient in case of supply reported in FORM GSTR-1 as "Supplies attracting tax on reverse charge basis". However, the supplier can claim for refund of tax wrongly paid.

5.Is condition to pay supplier within 180 days applicable to supplies covered by reverse charge?

No, second proviso to Section 16(2) of the CGST Act requiring the recipient to make payment towards the value of supply along with tax payable thereon within a period of 180 days does not apply to supplies on which tax is payable on reverse charge basis.

6.M/s XYZ Pvt. Ltd. imported some goods on which it was liable to pay GST under reverse charge. While the goods were lying at port, goods were lost or destroyed due to some natural disaster. In this case will it be liable to GST?

In case of natural disaster or loss, no import duty is levied, therefore no GST will be applicable.

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Disclaimer: This article provides an overview and general guidance, not exhaustive for brevity. Please refer Income Tax Act, GST Act, Companies Act and other tax compliance acts, Rules, and Notifications for details.