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GSTR 2/2A/2B — Explained

GSTR-2 for Inward Supplies / Purchases - Explained in detail. GST Books from makes it easier to file Form GSTR-2. Start Today.

Authored by COE Team, EZTax
Last Reviewed: Dec 24th 2024
GSTR 2 Explained

This document covers

  1. GSTR 2
    1. Key Components
    2. Who is not required to File?
    3. Due Dates
    4. Contents of GSTR 2
    5. Flow of GSTR 2
    6. Quick GSTR 2 FAQs
  2. GSTR 2A
    1. Components of GSTR 2A
    2. Contents of GSTR 2A
  3. GSTR 2B
    1. Components of GSTR 2B
    2. Cut of Dates for GSTR 2B Generation
    3. Contents of GSTR 2B


1. Key Components of GSTR 2 Return

Every registered person other than the persons prescribed should furnish the details of inward supplies of goods or services or both in form GSTR 2. GSTR 2 should be furnished electronically through a common portal either directly or through a facilitation centre notified by the commissioner.

2. Persons not required to file GSTR 2

The details of inward supplies of both goods and services and credit notes or debit notes received are required to be furnished by every registered person other than the following persons. The following are not required to file GSTR 2.

  • Input Service Distributor
  • Non-resident taxable person
  • Taxpayers paying tax under Composition levy
  • Taxpayers who are required to deduct tax at source (TDS)
  • Taxpayers who are required to collect tax at source (TCS) i.e., e commerce operator
  • Supplier of OIDAR services

3. Due Date for submission of GSTR 2

Normally, GSTR 2 is required to be filed after 10th but on or before 15th day of immediately succeeding month. The due date of filing GSTR 2 may be extended by the government.


The facility to file GSTR-2 has been temporarily suspended as per directions of competent authority as of now

4. Contents of GSTR 2

The details of inward supplies of goods or services or both furnished in GSTR -2 include the

  • Invoice wise details of all inter state and intra state supplies received from registered persons including reverse charge supplies.
  • Import of goods and services made.
  • Debit notes and credit notes received by the registered person from suppliers in respect of above supplies.
  • HSN wise summary of inward supplies.
  • ISD credit received and Input Tax credit reversal/reclaim.

5. Flow of GSTR 2

  • The details uploaded by the supplier will be made available to the recipient in Part 'A' of Form GSTR 2A (the details of input tax credit distributed by input service distributor will be made available in Part 'B' of said Form i.e., Form GSTR 2A).
  • The details will be available for verification as and when the supplier has furnished Form GSTR 1.
  • However, a recipient using the said details can accept, reject, modify, add or mark it pending (in cases where the goods or services or both are not yet received). Such corrections can be affected on or after 11th day of succeeding month to which such input tax credit relates to. The said activities can be done any time before 15th day of the said month and Form GSTR 2 is to be submitted.

6. Quick GSTR 2 FAQs

1.Is the taxpayer required to file form GSTR 2A ?

No, the Taxpayer is not required to file GSTR 2A. It is a read only document which provides the details of inward supplies received from various suppliers in the given tax period.

2.Whether the details uploaded by the supplier in GSTR 1 would be communicated to the receiver of goods or services or both ?

The details uploaded by the supplier in GSTR 1would be communicated to the recipient in form GSTR 2A which is an auto drafted form.

3.Whether an assessee under composition scheme is required to furnish details of inward supply and outward supply ?

No. An assessee under the composition scheme is not required to furnish details of inward and outward supplies. Such assesses are required to file quarterly returns in FORM GSTR-4 within 18 days from the end of quarter.

4.Whether the details uploaded by the supplier in GSTR-1 would be communicated to the receiver ?

Yes, the details uploaded by the supplier in GSTR-1 would be communicated to the recipient in Part A of FORM GSTR-2A, which is an auto-drafted form on real time basis.

5.How can the taxpayer act on the auto populated information in GSTR 2 ?

The taxpayer can accept, reject, modify (if information provided by supplier is incorrect) or keep the transactions pending for action (if goods or services have not received).

6.Can the taxpayer add invoices in GSTR 2 if the supplier did not upload the invoice ?

Yes, the taxpayer can add invoice if he is in possession of invoices and have received the goods or services or both.


GSTR 2 was announced at the time of introduction of GST in July 2017 but it never came into force. GSTR 2A and GSTR 2B is introduced with the intent of facilitating input tax credit for the taxpayers


1. Components of GSTR 2A

GSTR 2A is a system generated statement of inward supplies received by the registered taxpayer. It is auto populated from the GSTR 1, GSTR 5, GSTR 6, GSTR 7 and GSTR 8 filed by the supplier.

2. Contents of GSTR 2A

GSTR 2A contains 4 parts. IT the following details

  • Inward Supplies (Purchases) received from registered suppliers
  • Credit / Debit Notes issued by registered suppliers in respect of above supplies
  • Inward supplies received from a registered person on which tax is to be paid on reverse charge.
  • Supplies received through E- Commerce Operator
  • Amendments to Supplies received through E- Commerce Operator
  • Input Tax Credit received from Input Service Distributors (ISD) /Amendments to ISD Credits
  • TDS credits received and TCS credits received
  • Amendments to TDS Credits
  • Import of goods from overseas on bill of entry
  • Import of goods from SEZ units / developers on bill of entry


1. Components of GSTR 2B

  • GSTR 2B is an auto drafted statement of input tax credit received. It is generated based on the information filed by the supplies in their respective GSTR 1 / IFF, GSTR-5, GSTR -6.
  • GSTR 2B is made available from tax period July 2020
  • The taxpayer can avail the credit for the input tax credit reflecting only in GSTR 2B

2. Cut of Dates for GSTR 2B Generation

  • Monthly GSTR 2B is available from 00:00 hours on 12 th of every month. GSTR 2B is available post the due date of filing GSTR 1/5/6.
  • Quarterly GSTR 2B is available form 00:00 hours on 14 th of every month following the end of respective quarter

3. Contents of GSTR 2B

GSTR 2B contains 3 Parts

ITC Available:

It lists down all the ITC available for the relevant tax period. It will show the detailed information of the name of supplier, GSTIN, invoice date and number, taxable value, GST etc

ITC Not Available:

It lists down all the ITC which is not available for the relevant tax period.

ITC Reversal:

It shows the summary of credit that will be reversed in Form GSTR 3b

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Disclaimer: This article provides an overview and general guidance, not exhaustive for brevity. Please refer Income Tax Act, GST Act, Companies Act and other tax compliance acts, Rules, and Notifications for details.