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Pvt Ltd Company Annual Compliance IT, ROC Audit Filing Pricing


  • Expert assisted Income tax filing for Company.
  • CA Audit with 3CA, 3CD
  • ROC filing with a Confirmation
  • Expert Consultation & Support through Email, phone & chat during the business hours.

Who should buy?

  • Startups registered as private limited companies
  • New Private limited Companies
  • Existing Private limited Companies


  • Upon receiving the documents, our expert will call you before starting the process.
  • Expert team will exchange the information thru email and phone calls, if necessary.
  • DSC may need to be shipped to #301, Sri Brindavanam, Sri Lakshmi Nagar Colony, Manikonda, Hyderabad – 500089, TS.
  • Team will send you the Draft Computation Sheet for further review.
  • Once confirmed, team will e-File your return, and send you the ITR-V acknowledgement.
  • One of the Director need to sign the board resolution documents and send across the soft copy.
  • Estimated Processing Time: depends on availability of information per audit requirement, generally within 15 days.

Documents to be Submitted / Shared

  • Full Current Address of the Company.
  • e-mail ID & Mobile Number.
  • Company Incorporation Certificate
  • AOA, MOA Document soft copies
  • Company Bank Statement(s) for the FY (from Apr to Mar)
  • Business or Profession Details.
  • Business Expenses, Business Loans.
  • Books of Accounts and P&L (if available).
  • Digital Signature Certificates (DSC).
  • Old Auditor Resignation Letter if needed (if not 1st time).
  • if applicable, GST Revenue details (GSTR-3B or Consolidated Statement) for the FY (from Apr to Mar)

Other Benefits

Every Service comes with the benefits such as

  • Expert Consultation
  • Faster Service
  • Software Assistance
  • e-File & PDF Reports
  • e-Verification Assistance
  • Post Service Follow up

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Private Limited Company Annual Compliance FAQs

A comprehensive list of frequently asked questions on Private Limited Company Annual Compliance.

1.What is Private Limited Company ?

A Private Limited Company has a minimum of two Directors. Maximum number of members that a Private Limited Company can have is 50. Total capital of such a company is formed with shares and every shareholder. Pvt Ltd Company all its transactions should be audited. The name of such a company ends with the words 'Private Limited'.

2.What is Director Identification Number (DIN) ?

DIN, Directors Identification Number, it is an identification number issued to a Director or a prospective Director of a Company by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India. To obtain a DIN, one needs to make an online application to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and submit the required documents related to Identity and Address Proof. Once the Ministry verifies these documents, the DIN will be allotted to the person.

3.What is AOA and MOA ?

MOA is a document containing the charter of a company and fundamental objectives which the company seeks to achieve. The registration of a company depends fundamentally on how effectively the MOA is framed.

Articles of Association (AOA) contain the guidelines and other rules and regulations to regulate the internal management of the company.

4.What is ROC Filing ?

Companies incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 are required to e-file the Registrar of Companies (RoC)

ROC States that:
  1. Address of members of company & Details of directors.
  2. Statement containing particulars of total amount of indebtedness of the company.
  3. Name of member and respective dates on which they become member and ceased to be member as on date of Annual General meeting.

Every company having a share capital shall, within 60 days from the date of each Annual General Meeting file annual return with the Registrar of Companies (RoC) under e-form 20B.

Every company not having share capital shall, within 60 days from the day on which Annual General Meeting is held, prepare and file with the Registrar a return under e-Form 21A.

Below documents needs to be e-filed with ROC:
Balance-SheetForm 23AC to be filed by all Companies
Profit & Loss AccountForm 23ACA to be filed by all Companies
Annual ReturnForm 20B to be filed by Companies having share capital
Annual ReturnForm 21A to be filed by companies not having share capital
Compliance CertificateForm 66 to be filed by Companies having paid up capital of Rs.10 lakh to Rs. 5 crore
5.What is diff among Pvt Ltd & LLP & OPC ?

Private limited company should be considered for business raising funds, requires greater compliance, with few of tax advantages. In case LLP it is for balanced compliance and solid limited liability measures with fewer compliance and tax advantages. And in case of OPC it is for sole entrepreneur who requires the higher compliance with minimal tax advantages and start-up costs.

Among three of them, LLP wins for majority of the businesses as it is just right.

Those differentiations are important for the business in India. As they all are somehow interlinked with each other, but the difference among them can be made upon the various features. Initially, the private limited company and OPC are governed by Companies Act 2013 but LLP is governed by Limited Liability Act 2008. They all are the separate legal entity, but their capital contribution are slightly different. Starting from 2019, Govt of India decided to remove the minimum capital contribution limit when incorporating the company. This applies to OPC & LLP as well, though it was different earlier.

The number of Directors among private limited company is a minimum of 2 Directors, one has to be resident, in case of LLP, they also have a minimum of 2 designated partners, one has to be resident. But in case of OPC, there is only 1 resident director.

When it comes to tax audit among all these, it is compulsory in private limited company and OPC, but in case of LLP, no annual audit if turnover is less than 40 lakhs and the capital contribution is less than 25 lakhs. But they all have the limited liability.

With regard to conversion,

  • private limited company can be converted into public liability company and LLP
  • but LLP can not be converted into OPC, and private limited company
  • OPC can be converted into public liability company and private limited company

Another differentiation among all those is with the foreign ownership. In private limited company it is allowed but in LLP ownership can be allowed but with due permission from reserve bank of India and foreign investment department and similarly in OPC too.

Now another concept is with the taxation, in private limited company, LLP and OPC the tax rate is 30% on profit plus cess and surcharge. And with the annual filing in private limited company and LLP income tax return and annual statement of accounts and return is required to be filled with registrar of the company. In OPC one person is required to file its income tax return and annual statements of accounts with the registrar.

6.What is annual compliance ?

The Companies Act states that every company shall hold an annual general meeting in each financial year and the gap between two AGMs shall not be more than 15 months and financial Statement shall lay in AGMs of that financial year.

A copy of financial statement including consolidated financial statement if any ,which has been adopted at AGMs shall be filed with ROC in e-form AOC-4 within 30 days of date of AGMs . Further every Company will file its Annual Return i.e. e-form MGT-7 within 60 days of holding of Annual General Meeting or if AGM is not held for any reason then form must be filed along with reason for not holding it . Annual Return will be for the period 1st April to 31st March. Every Listed Companies or a company having paid up Share capital of minimum Rs.10 crore or turnover of minimum Rs. 50 crore shall be certified by Practicing Company Secretary, and the certificate shall be in form MGT-8. Moreover MGT-8 is required to be attached in MGT-7

7.Statutory audit and tax audit ?

Statutory Auditor as per Law, Company has to appoint its first auditor within 30 days from the date of incorporation. If board of directors are not able to appoint then it has to be appointed within 90 days Tax Auditor as per the Income-tax Act 1961, it is obligatory of the following persons (carrying on business or profession) to get his accounts audited before the Oct 30th * (date varies from year to year) by a Chartered Accountant ( CA ) or a Cost Management Accountant ( CMA ).

8.What is Penalty for late filing of ROC ?

If the company fails to file annual return with the Registrar of Companies (RoC) within specified time (i.e. within 60 days from the date of Annual General Meeting) the company shall be liable to pay additional fees till the default continues.

Penalty for filing e-form 20B after due date:Normal fee:
Up to 30 days2 times i.e. RS.600
Up to 60 days4 times i.e. RS.1200
Up to 90 days6 times i.e. RS.1800
More than 90days 9 times i.e. RS.2700

Private Ltd Company Annual Compliance
from Rs.13859
Actual Price  Rs.  15399 (  -10% Offer ) Use Discount Code A524287

Company Annual Compliance including Income Tax Filing, CA Audit with 3CA, 3CD, ROC filing

Revenue Rs. 5 to 50 Lakhs — @ 13859+GST

Upto Rs. 1 Crore — from 15999 +GST

More than Rs. 1 Crore — from 25999 +GST

More ways to get help

Disclaimer: This article provides an overview and general guidance, not exhaustive for brevity. Please refer Income Tax Act, GST Act, Companies Act and other tax compliance acts, Rules, and Notifications for details.