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DTC - Direct Tax Code 2025 Portal

The Indian Department of Finance's "Direct Tax Code 2025" initiative aims to simplify and rationalize the income tax code for taxpayers in a manner that is enforceable.

Learn more on the background, Today's IT Compliance, The Direct Tax Code, Changes Expected, Release Date, its expected applicability, and the latest news around it.

NEW Income Tax Act 2025 released on 12th Feb 2025
Read New Income Tax Bill 2025 — Summary

Expectations on the new Direct Tax Code 2025

This document covers

  1. Background
  2. Today - IT Compliance
  3. What is Direct Tax Code (DTC) 2025?
  4. Major Changes expected
  5. Release Date
  6. Expected Applicability

1. Background

Over the past seven years, the Government of India has consistently prioritized tax reforms, which has resulted in the simplification of tax compliance.

However, this does not address the complexity of the tax code in terms of its interpretation, despite the fact that it enhances income tax compliance during tax filing (ITR).

This is resulting in the loss of valuable time and money for both individuals and businesses as a result of the process of resolving tax cases in a variety of tribunals.

In contrast to the Income Tax Act 1961 and its numerous amendments over the years, the Direct Tax Code (DTC) 2025 is anticipated to rationalize and simplify the core tax code to facilitate compliance and efficiency.

2. Today - IT Compliance

The overall tax compliance of the Indian economy is not up to the mark, despite the fact that the yearly tax filing statistics are improving as of the end of 2024.

According to the macro numbers released by the IT department (CBDT) at the conclusion of the IT filing season in August 2024, only 5% of the Indian population is currently filing taxes. Of this group, only 1.2% of the population is effectively paying income tax after receiving IT refunds.

Case Laws
& authoritative language
Only 5%
of population filing taxes
Only 1%
paying IT (after IT Refunds)
It's Time
for a Tax Code Change

3. What is Direct Tax Code (DTC) 2025?

The Hon'ble Finance Minister, Mrs. Nirmala Sitharaman, has announced a comprehensive review of the Income Tax Act 1961 in Budget 2024 (Jul 2024) with the objective of establishing a new, more refined tax code.

The new Income Tax Code is intended to supersede the current Income Tax Act 1961 by rationalizing and simplifying the earlier act and its subsequent amendments in order to prevent misunderstandings.

Goals of DTC 2025

  • Streamlined Tax Regulations
  • A unified tax structure
  • Compliance Ease
  • Extend the Tax Net
Objectives of DTC 2025

  • Tax Compliance on par with OECD nations by 2035 *

* It's imperative to understand this goal, though not published by the Board.

CBDT has extended an invitation to tax experts and taxpayers to submit recommendations for the revision of the Income Tax Act in order to enhance the DTC 2025. Even if you have not yet contributed any suggestions, you still have the opportunity to do so before the end of the month in November 2024. Please submit your recommendations at the following link: Suggestions for a comprehensive review of the Income Tax Act.

Please be advised that EZTax is an active participant in this initiative. Since the inception of EZTax in 2016, we have been anticipating and influencing the changes in the Income Tax Act in India, systems, and software to benefit India and the taxpayers.

4. Major Changes expected

We have exclusively included the most significant changes that are anticipated in DTC 2025, as it is a highly anticipated revision in the 63-year history of Income Tax in India.

1Financial Year (FY) definition change

The current IT statute defines the financial year as April 1 to March 31 of the following year, inherited from the 1867 British system. Most countries use the January 1–December 31 financial year. Additionally, agricultural revenue does not contribute significantly to GDP or income tax.

The primary cause of the majority of errors that occur today in the process of submitting, paying taxes, and including income for tax purposes is the confusion between the Financial Year (FY) and Assessment Year (AY).

It is anticipated that the transition from the Financial Year (FY) to the Calendar Year (CY) will facilitate tax compliance, similar to that of developed nations and other trade partners.

Improved Compliance, Reduced errors.
2Assessment Year and Financial Year

At present, Income Tax Act is having 2 years and often people confuse with Assessment year and financial year. Direct tax code is expected to remove this confusion and continue only with financial year going forward

It is anticipated that the term "FY" would be used as the standard for the tax year in the new Direct Tax Code, forms, protocols, and software.

Ease in Compliance
3Due Date Alignment

Presently, the deadline for submitting income tax by individuals is July 31st.

The Direct Tax Code is anticipated to establish a new deadline of August 31, 2024, as the TDS and AIS are updated in mid-June, and there is insufficient time for taxpayers to reconcile the data.

Latest Income Tax Calendar at Tax Compliance Calendar for FY 2024-25 (IT, GST, TDS)

Reduced loss of revenue
4Rationalisation of TDS Rates

Reduced rates of tax deducted at source (TDS) and tax collected at source (TCS) that are applicable to all existing and new income categories.

Learn more on latest TDS Rates effective Oct 1st 2024 at Latest TDS Rates by Section | Simplified Version

Easy to Follow, Reduced penalties
5Revision of Exemptions / Deductions List

Throughout the years, numerous exemptions and deductions have been rendered inactive. As a result of the increasingly popular new tax regime, taxpayers are unable to utilize nearly all of these deductions.

Therefore, it is anticipated that numerous deductions and exemptions will be eliminated or withdrawn.

Learn more on deductions that are no longer available for New Tax Regime Difference between Old Tax Regime and New Tax Regime

Ease of Compliance
6Capital Gains Tax

The capital gains (CG) tax is a broader area in which a significant number of amendments have been approved since the IT Act of 1961. Simplifying the entirety of the capital gains tax sections to facilitate the assessment of income tax.

Although some CG Tax rates were streamlined in early 2024, there is a significant amount of anticipation for the DTC 2025.

Latest changes and a comprehensive guide at Capital Gains Income Tax Guide

Ease of Compliance
7Sunsetting plan for Old Tax Regime

As of the most recent information from the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), the New Tax Regime (NTR) is the filing method for up to 70% of ITRs in FY 2023-24 (AY 2024-25).

We are expecting a plan to sunset the Old Tax Regime (OTR) from FY 2026-27.

Ease of Compliance
8Foreign Asset Disclosure

It is anticipated that the disclosure requirements for foreign assets will be simplified to reduce the volume of information that must be disclosed during IT returns and other compliances.

As of today, the necessary information that the Schedule FA of the ITR cannot conceivably collect from any of the G&L statements of foreign entities is unavailable.

Learn more on this at Foreign Asset Reporting — Explained

Reduced IT Notices, Compliance Ease
9Simplification of Tax Residence Status

The tax residence status could be simplified for tax purposes by combining legal status and presence days in India, rather than relying on quantum of income and intent.

Due to the distinctions between the Income Tax and FEMA Acts, it is expected that the Substantial Presence Test will be re-defined.

More on Tax Residence Status and calculator at Determine Tax Residency Status of an Individual or Company

Ease of Compliance
10Taxation on Foreign Income

Expected to be refined to reduce the ambiguity surrounding the alignment of the financial year, eliminate source-based taxation entirely, and provide a re-affirmed approach to residence-based taxation

Learn more at Taxation on NRI and Foreign Income

Reduced IT notices, Improved Compliance
11Revised Black Money Act

While existing income tax act and the introduction of Section 68 and 69 are fair but such was not spelled well w.r.t IT filing and compliance and digital money.

The new DTC 2025 is expected to introduce unaccounted digital money as well, such as UPI, income from multiple banks for one entity, linking with/without GST.

More on taxation on Black money or undisclosed money at Tax on Black Money

Better Compliance, Net New Tax Revenue
12New provisions for Equalisation Levy

The Indian government must take measures to safeguard its interests in tax collection from entities established outside of India, as numerous services are now being provided online on a daily basis.

Although the Equalisation Levy (EL) was implemented in 2020, the Direct Tax Code 2025 will revisit EL in order to safeguard Indian interests in light of the macroeconomic environment and the emergence of a new tide of digital products.

Learn more on Equalisation Levy - Explained

Reduced loss of revenue, Improved FDI
13Audit Assistance

At present, only chartered accountants are conducting tax audits. The Direct Tax Code is anticipated to broaden the definition of an accountant by also allowing other professionals such as CMAs, Cost Accountants (ICWA), and CSs to conduct tax audits.

This would enhance the availability of professionals for companies, LLPs, and other entities that require tax audits.

Ease in Compliance, Reduced Cost of Compliance

5. Release Date

The Direct Tax Code (DTC) 2025 is expected to be presented to the parliament approval part of Budget 2025 on February 1st 2025.

Read more on Union Budget 2025 Expectations from Income Tax to allocations.

6. Expected Applicability

The changes expected in DTC 2025 are major and impacting not only the taxpayers but also the software vendors such as Type-2 ERIs, ERP systems that may undergo substantial development, testing and implementations. It is reasonable to expect the changes to be adopted from FY 2026-27, i.e., starting from April 1st 2026

How to get help from

Disclaimer: This article provides an overview and general guidance, not exhaustive for brevity. Please refer Income Tax Act, GST Act, Companies Act and other tax compliance acts, Rules, and Notifications for details.