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INC-22A Form, All about Active Company Tagging (ACTIVE). All Companies need to file INC-22A - Active Company Tagging Identities and Verification - on or before 25th April 2019 now extended to 15th June 2019 Failure to file e-Form Active will lead to a penalty of Rs.10,000
This document covers
Active Company Tagging Identities and Verification is a process that Registrar of Companies (ROC) came up to tag Active and in-active companies to act against all the in-active companies from using resources such as banking system and other privileges.
All registered companies before 31st Dec 2017.
Yes, KYC is related to Directors of a Company. INC 22A is similar but for a Company and to establish that the company is Active. You need to file one form for one Company, irrespective of number of directors in the Company.
EZTax.in preferred this process as an inferred process from past filings, director KYC, or at least limited to the companies whose turnover crosses certain limit (say 2 Crores), but a mandate such as this causes many stakeholders, particularly in the small business, startup space having heartburn.
This is certainly causing lot of inconvenience, noise among Companies as is against ease of doing business in India.
Download the e-Form ACTIVE / INC-22A and fill the information. but this need to be digitally signed by Company Secretary. Check with EZTax.in Rep as early as possible.
25th April 2019 now extended to 15th June 2019
Just few hours as long as you have proper documentation, but consider 1 day lead time, as the preparation to take proper photos at the Registered Office would take some time, as many do travel and may not be available on site.
Your company will be moved into the compliance default list. This may prevent from efiling future forms and compliance norms. In addition, the company is restricted from doing the following
Rs.10,000 would be charged after the due date.
Yes, the company must have filed their last year returns
Disclaimer: This article provides an overview and general guidance, not exhaustive for brevity. Please refer Income Tax Act, GST Act, Companies Act and other tax compliance acts, Rules, and Notifications for details.