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New ITR Forms released for AY 2022-23 | What changed ?

Income Tax Department recently notified Income Tax Returns (ITR) Forms ITR-1, 2, 3, 4 for AY 2022-23 (that is for the income received during Apr 01st 2021 to Mar 31st 2022). While the forms are very similar to last year there are some key differences. Get to know more on the which ITR to choose and the new requirements

For normal taxpayers it's not that important to know when portals like is auto selecting the right ITR for you, it generally gives you the awareness what information does the ITD like to have from the taxpayers.

For latest AY 2023-24 ITR Form Changes, visit New ITR Forms released for AY 2023-24 | What Has Changed?

Authored by COE Team, EZTax
Last Reviewed: Dec 23rd 2024
New ITR Forms for AY 2022-23 |

This document covers

  1. What's different this year ?
  2. When to choose ITR-1
  3. When to choose ITR-2
  4. When to choose ITR-3
  5. When to choose ITR-4

1. What's different this year ?

  1. Salaries: Income from Retirement benefit account maintained in notified countries and other than notified countries should be disclosed under the head 'Salaries'
  2. Foreign Assets: Foreign Assets values needs to be disclosed as on 31st December 2021 instead of March 2022. The word accounting year is replaced with Calendar year
  3. Other Sources: Interest accrued on employee provident fund contributions in excess of Rs 2.5 Lakh needs to be disclosed separately under the heal "Income from Other Sources".
  4. Residential Status: Residential Status is given in detailed manner to enable the taxpayer to select the correct condition of his residential status
  5. Disclosure of Old and New Tax Regime: The following disclosures are required to be made in ITR-3 and ITR-4.
    1. Have you opted for new tax regime u/s 115BAC and filed form 10IE in AY 2021-22? Yes/No
    2. Opting for Current year a. Opting in now b. Not Option c.Continue to Opt d. Opt Out
    3. For other than not opting, please furnish Ack no and date of filing
  6. Nature of Employment for Pensioners is further classified into Pensioners-CG, Pensioners- SG, Pensioners-PSU and Pensioners-Others
  7. Family pension: Income from Retirement benefit account maintained in notified countries and other than notified countries should be disclosed under the head “Family Pension” under the head "Income from Other Sources"
  8. Tax Deferred on ESOP: A new schedule for information related to tax deferred-relatable to income on perquisites referred in section 17(2) (vi) received from employer, being an eligible start-up referred in section 80-IAC
  9. Section 89A was introduced in Budget 2021 to provide a relief from taxation on Income earned from foreign retirement benefit account, maintained in notified country. Starting from AY 2022-23 ITR, one need to include retirement benefit income and the notified country while filing taxes.

    Read more on the relief, examples and the consideration during tax filing.

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2. Choose ITR-1

  1. For Individuals being a resident (other than not ordinarily resident) having a total income up to Rs. 50 Lakh
  2. having Income from Salaries, one house property (single ownership), interest income, Family pension income etc.
  3. Agricultural income up to Rs. 5000/-
  4. Not a Director in a company or has invested in unlisted equity shares or has any brought forward / carry forward loss under the head " from House Property".

3. Choose ITR-2

  1. For Individuals, HUF being a resident, RNOR or NRI
  2. Having Income above Rs 50 lakhs
  3. Having Multiple Properties including the properties outside India
  4. Agriculture Income of more than Rs 5000
  5. Being a Director in a company or has invested in unlisted equity shares or has any brought forward / carry forward loss under the head "Income from House Property", "Income from Capital Gains".
  6. Have sold a property or shares or mutual funds
  7. Having Foreign Assets

4. Choose ITR-3

  1. For Individuals, HUF being a resident, RNOR or NRI having Salary, House property, other sources, Foreign income, Capital Gain and Business or Professional Income
  2. Having Income above Rs 50 lakhs
  3. Having Multiple Properties including the properties outside India
  4. Agriculture Income of more than Rs 5000
  5. Being a Director in a company or has invested in unlisted equity shares or has any brought forward / carry forward loss under the head "Income from House Property", "Income from Capital Gains".
  6. Have sold a property or shares or mutual funds
  7. Having Foreign Assets
  8. Being a Partner in a Firm/LLP

5. Choose ITR-4

  1. For Individuals, HUFs and Firms (other than LLP) being a resident having total income up to Rs.50 Lakh
  2. having one house property (single ownership)
  3. having income from business and profession which is computed under sections 44AD, 44ADA or 44AE or Interest Income, Family pension etc
  4. Agricultural income up to Rs. 5000/-
  5. Not a Director in a company or has invested in unlisted equity shares or has any brought forward / carry forward loss under the head "Income from House Property".

Need help in ITR e-Filing ?

To calculate your AY 2022-23 advanced tax, or to prepare and eFile your IT Filing, just create an account @ and select the AY 2022-23 service to prepare, get recommendations, even request a reminder, and make it ready to efile when the IT department is allowing to do so.

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If you need our expert advise or eFiling of your IT Returns, GST Filing and other Tax Compliance services .. consider visiting Tax Consultation Service

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Disclaimer: This article provides an overview and general guidance, not exhaustive for brevity. Please refer Income Tax Act, GST Act, Companies Act and other tax compliance acts, Rules, and Notifications for details.