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Individuals who are responsible for the deduction or collection of TDS / TCS and the submission of TDS/TCS returns require TAN numbers.
Learn the applicability of the transaction, the individuals who require it, and the process for applying it.
In case you need to know about PAN to prepare & efile your income tax, refer Permanent Account Number (PAN) - Explained
This document covers
TAN means Tax Deduction Account Number or Tax Collection Account Number.
TAN is a 10-digit alpha numeric number issued by Income Tax Department.
TAN enables the persons to deduct TDS/TCS on specified transactions
The 10 digit alphanumeric numbers in TAN represents the following
Every Person who is required to deduct TDS or collect TCS is required to apply for TAN. Refer "exception note" on very few situations where PAN can be used in place of TAN
The following persons if they are required to deduct TDS or collect TCS are required to apply for TAN
TAN is required to be quoted in the following documents
Refer @ TAN Registration Service Plan & Pricing to apply a TAN number for you.
After applying and sending the documents to NSDL, it will take 7-15 working days time to get the new TAN. TAN will be issued to registered email address.
PAN cannot be quoted in place of TAN. The tax deductor’s or collector’s are required quote only TAN in the required documents. If he don’t have TAN, he needs to apply for the same ASAP.
The persons who are required to deduct TDS u/s 194IA (Purchase of Immovable property), 194IB( payment of rent by certain individuals or HUF), 194M (Payment to contractors by certain individuals or HUF) and 194S (payment for purchase of VDA) are not required to obtain the TAN. They can deduct the TDS using PAN
Disclaimer: This article provides an overview and general guidance, not exhaustive for brevity. Please refer Income Tax Act, GST Act, Companies Act and other tax compliance acts, Rules, and Notifications for details.