Home > Income Tax > Help Center > Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TIN) List
Taxpayer Identification Number ("TIN" in short) is an identification number that is unique to an individual or entity associated with a specific country. Immigrants who file taxes in their motherland often need to disclose their foreign tax id.
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It's hard to understand how the income tax systems of many countries work because the rules are so complicated. If an Indian doesn't live in India but files their income tax returns there, they have to give their tax ID number and the place where they live.
Resident tax filers with foreign income need not to pay taxes double time in India and abroad for most countries and situations due to DTAA agreements. Tax IDs are important to disclose in Income Tax Returns (ITR) and are hard to remember.
For a long time, EZTax.in has been at the forefront of educating NRIs and foreign residents. It is also the leading portal for helping NRIs, expats, and foreign nationals pay their taxes legally. Since 2016, EZTax.in has helped NRIs, OCIs, PIOs, and foreigners from more than 39 countries.
Here is an attempt to list the countries, their TINs, and the DTAA deal links that go with them so that it is easy to find.
The acronym for taxpayer identification number is TIN. It is utilized for tax purposes. Given that India employs a Permanent Account Number (PAN) for tax-related matters, every nation possesses an individual tax identification number (TIN).
DTAA means Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement. When the taxpayer is resident in one country but has a source of income situated in another country, it gives rise to possibility of Double Taxation. Double Taxation means taxing the same income twice in the hands of the taxpayer. It is universally accepted principal that the same income should not be taxed twice.
DTAA specifies the rules for taxation of income by the source country and residence country. Such rules are for various categories of income like salary, interest, dividend, remuneration, business, capital gains etc
In short DTAA means a treaty between 2 countries for granting of relief in respect of Income on which income tax has been paid in both countries or Income tax payable
India has DTAA with more than 80 countries around the world. The United States (USA), the United Kingdom (UK), the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Canada, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Israel, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, the Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, and Thailand are just a few of the countries that have signed the DTAA.
The below table guides the taxpayers in getting the correct tax identification number and refer the DTAA between India and the specific country.
S.No | Country | Tax Identification Number | DTAA |
1 | United States of America (USA) | Social Security Number (SSN) | DTAA for USA |
2 | Canada | Social Insurance Number (SIN) | DTAA for Canada |
3 | Colombia | Numero De Identificacion Tributaria (NIT) | DTAA for Colombia |
4 | Brazil | Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF) | DTAA for Brazil |
5 | UnitedKingdom(UK) | NationalInsuranceNumber(NINO) | DTAA for UnitedKingdom(UK) |
6 | Ireland | Personal Public Service Number (PPS No) | DTAA for Ireland |
7 | Norway | National identity number | DTAA for Norway |
8 | Sweden | Personal identity number (personnummer) or Co-ordination number (samordningsnummer) | DTAA for Sweden |
9 | Finland | No Tin. Personal identity code can be used as TIN | DTAA for Finland |
10 | Denmark | Central Personal Registration number (CPR) | DTAA for Denmark |
11 | France | Foreigner Identity Number (NIE) | DTAA for France |
12 | Spain | Numero de Identificacion Fiscal (NIF) which means Tax Identification Number | DTAA for Spain |
13 | Italy | Codice Fiscale | DTAA for Italy |
14 | Germany | Steuerliche Identifikationsnummer (Steuer-IdNr) means Tax Identification Number | DTAA for Germany |
15 | Austria | Abgabenkontonummer (ATIN) means Tax Identification Number | DTAA for Austria |
16 | Switzerland | Swiss Social Security Number or AHV Number | DTAA for Switzerland |
17 | Russia | INN Number (Taxpayer Identification Number) | DTAA for Russia |
18 | Poland | Numer Identyfikacji Podatkowej (NIP) means T ax Identification Number | DTAA for Poland |
19 | Greece | Arithmos Forologikou Mitroou (AFM) which means Tax Registry Number | DTAA for Greece |
20 | Israel | Israeli ID Number | DTAA for Israel |
21 | Saudi Arabia | Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) | DTAA for Saudi Arabia |
22 | Oman | Taxpayer Identification Number | DTAA for Oman |
23 | United Arab Emirates | No TIN | DTAA for United Arab Emirates |
24 | Qatar | Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) | DTAA for Qatar |
25 | Bahrain | No TIN | DTAA for Bahrain |
26 | Kuwait | Civil ID or Civic Number | DTAA for Kuwait |
27 | South Africa | Tax Reference Number (TRN) | DTAA for South Africa |
28 | Thailand | Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) | DTAA for Thailand |
29 | Australia | Tax File Number (TFN) | DTAA for Australia |
30 | Singapore | National Registration Identity Card (NRIC) or Foreign Identification Number(FIN) | DTAA for Singapore |
31 | Malaysia | Nombor Cukai Pendapatan or Income Tax Number (ITN) | DTAA for Malaysia |
32 | Philippines | Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) | DTAA for Philippines |
33 | Korea | Resident Registration Number (RRN) | DTAA for Korea |
34 | Japan | My Number | DTAA for Japan |
35 | Hong Kong | Hong Kong Identity Card (HKID) | DTAA for Hong Kong |
36 | China | Unified Social Credit Code | DTAA for China |
37 | Nepal | Permanent Account Number (PAN) | DTAA for Nepal |
38 | Indonesia | Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP) | DTAA for Indonesia |
39 | New Zealand | Inland Revenue Department Number (IRD) | DTAA for New Zealand |
40 | Vietnam | Mã số thuế" (MST) means Tax code | DTAA for Vietnam |
41 | Netherlands | Burgerservicenumme (BSN) mean Citizen Service Number | DTAA for Netherlands |
Disclaimer: This article provides an overview and general guidance, not exhaustive for brevity. Please refer Income Tax Act, GST Act, Companies Act and other tax compliance acts, Rules, and Notifications for details.