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India has a very large population of around 140 crores. However we have a relatively low percentage of income tax filers compared to its working population.
This document covers on the need for increase in tax compliance in India, and ways that the IT department can follow to enhance the tax compliance.
This document covers
India has a very large population of around 140 crores. However we have a relatively low percentage of income tax filers compared to its working population.
While efforts have been made to expand the tax base, a large segment of eligible taxpayers still does not file income tax returns (ITRs) due to various factors such as lack of awareness, informal employment, and tax evasion.
Increasing the tax filing population is crucial for higher revenue collection, economic growth, and better financial inclusion
The key reasons for lower tax filing are as follows
Increasing tax compliance is crucial for higher revenue collection, better public services, and economic growth. Below are key strategies that the income tax department can follow to increase the tax filing population in India
Most of the business operate in a unorganized sector. While UPI has revolutionized digital payments, frequent small-value deposits (below ₹2000) often go untracked, leading to underreporting of income and tax evasion.
For example, having more than 50 deposits per month of Rs. < 2K per transaction is uncommon, unless the PAN is associated with a small business like a restaurant, shop, other services.
By leveraging UPI transaction data, the Income Tax Department (ITD) can identify potential non-filers and encourage them to file income tax returns.
Many unorganized businesses operate in cash to avoid tax. Cash deposits in a bank account must be identified and notices should be sent to the taxpayers who are frequently depositing the cash in bank accounts.
Many businesses register under GST and file GST returns but don’t file Income Tax Returns. These persons must be tagged, and automatic reminders should be sent to them to file Income Tax Returns
Most of the property owners do not file income tax returns even though they are having rental income. This type of transaction should be tracked with the help of rental agreements and HRA claimed by tenant and reminders should be sent to them to file income tax returns.
Most of the people are providing services to outside countries and getting the amounts in their bank accounts. Currently ITD is not tracking this type of income. Proper Mechanism should be in place to track this type of transaction and identify the potential non-filers and encourage them to file income tax returns.
Many businesses sell the goods through e commerce portals like amazon, Flipkart etc but don’t file income tax returns. There should be a mechanism that the e commerce portal will report the revenue of sellers to ITD.
By this way, potential non-filers will be identified and ITD can encourage them to file income tax returns.
Most of the people spend lots of money on gold, car, foreign travel etc. These persons must be tagged, and notices should be sent to them to file their income tax returns
A pattern of recurring deposits in to savings accounts from different parties to convert black money in to white money. This is being a practice in real-estate property sales where the transaction amount in excess is being split in to small payments getting deposited from the buyers related parties.
Using pattern matching, AI algorithms the IT department can easily find such tax evaders.
Another area of non-compliance is of people having low income in the past years, suddenly purchasing high cost real estate. This usually means that the person might be having certain sources of income in the past years that are unaccounted through tax compliance.
Again, a rule based algorithm can find such patterns to alert the buyer to showcase the proof of income using existing SFT alert / notice modal.
By law, certain professions (such as health care) in our society can still collect cash payments beyond a limit. Unfortunately, this became a way to evade income tax and the compliance around. Now in 2025, almost everyone do possess UPI and other digital means to pay, hence ITD should have a mechanism in place to monitor these professionals.
Disclaimer: This article provides an overview and general guidance, not exhaustive for brevity. Please refer Income Tax Act, GST Act, Companies Act and other tax compliance acts, Rules, and Notifications for details.