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Taxpayer may get the notices in different ways, for every notice there are different section and different possibility’s, assessing officer Or ITD will issue the notice according the errors and return furnishing perspectives.
Every taxpayer has to furnish the income and investment details to the Income-tax Department. These details are to be furnished by filing return. Once the return is filed by the taxpayer, the next step is the processing of the return by the Income-tax Department. The Income-tax Department examines the return. The process of examining the return of by the Income-tax Department is called “Assessment”. Assessment also includes re-assessment or best judgment assessment.
There are different types of notices or assessments as given below:
This notice is sent by Assessing Officer of the opinion that ITR filed by the taxpayer is defective or incorrect.
And the Assessing Officer will provide the
Examples: Incomplete returns, parts of information missing, file a wrong ITR The taxpayer has submit the response within 15 days from the notice received date, if the taxpayer don’t respond then the return will be rejected by AO. The taxpayer can submit the response in 2 ways
For a details on how to address defective returns, refer Defective Notice: How to Prepare, Upload JSON
Assessing Officer is of the opinion that taxpayer are concealing the income or likely to conceal income then taxpayer will receive notice u/s 131(1A). This notice is basically intimation that AO is initiating an enquiry or investigate into the matter. The AO should expect the attendance of taxpayer and books of accounts, statement of all bank accounts, details of all properties acquired during the financial year. Taxpayer can seek the permission for attend someone behalf of taxpayer, extension of time for valid reasons.
Taxpayer will get a notice of preliminary enquiry in case the return is not filed on time, then taxpayer will furnish a return of income in respect of which is assessable.
AO would like to go through the documentary proof to verify taxpayer claim in Income Tax Return then AO may ask you to furnish the documents for assessment purpose.
The time limit to answer is before the end of the relevant assessment year.
If taxpayer not responded to this notice:
It may result in Best Judgement Assessment u/s 144, or
Penalised u/s 271(1)(b) i.e. Rs.10,000 for each failure.
This notice will serve the ITD, when the taxpayer has any dues like tax, interest, penalty, fine or any other sum is payable. Normally this notice is served after the assessment of ITR. The taxpayer can deposit the amount payable within 30 days from the date of the income tax notice. Or if any mistakes in original return then taxpayer can do the revised return and submit the revised acknowledgement. There is no time limit to serve this notice. And also refer Income tax notice under section 143(1).
This is called intimation
This intimation means offset taxpayer refund (full/partial) against the old tax payable or due
This notice will issue by Assessing Officer, if not satisfied with the response of the taxpayer or taxpayer failed to provide the proofs or documents against the notice 142(1). So this notice is a detailed scrutiny.
The AO should expect the attendance of taxpayer and books of accounts, statement of all bank accounts, details of all properties acquired during the financial year.
The timeline to serve notice u/s 143(2) is before the expiry of six months from the end of FY in which the return is furnished.
Where the taxpayer has not furnished return, then notice under Section 143(2) cannot be issued to him and also scrutiny assessment cannot be done. In such case, direct Best Judgement Assessment under Section 144 is done by the AO.
If taxpayer not responded to this notice: It may result in Best Judgement Assessment u/s 144, or
Penalised u/s 271(1)(b) i.e. Rs.10,000 for each failure
The notice/intimation under section 143(1) issued by ITD in 2 different ways
Return furnished by the taxpayer and as verified by the Income Tax department match.
Then the Intimation will serve as final assessment of the return with nothing to be done on part of the taxpayer and the department. Take a printout of the same and file it with your income tax papers.
If the taxpayer has refund, wait for the cheque or transfer into your account.
Return furnished by the taxpayer and as verified by the Income Tax department does not match, which means in taxpayer return there is some arithmetical errors or tax due.
The taxpayer can submit the response in 2 ways
Time limit is depending up on the ITR process
This is a detailed assessment and is referred to as scrutiny assessment. The scrutiny is carried out to confirm the correctness and genuineness of various claims, deductions, etc., made by the taxpayer in the return.
In the cases selected for scrutiny, the assessing officer conducts necessary enquiries during assessment proceedings to ensure that the taxpayer not understanding the below:
Time limit:
Get expert help from the EZTax team for Scrutiny Notice u/s 148 Response Service Plan
The Assessing Officer issues the Best Judgment 144 for the bellow reasons
Note: Section 142(2A) deals with special audit. As per section 142(2A), if the conditions justifying special audit as given in section 142(2A) are satisfied, then the Assessing Officer will direct the taxpayer to get accounts audited from a chartered accountant
The Assessing Officer is not satisfied by the arguments of the taxpayer and AO has reason to believe that the case demands a best judgment, and then AO will proceed to carry out the assessment as per best of knowledge.
Criteria of best judgment assessment are satisfied, then after taking into account all relevant material which the Assessing Officer has gathered, and after giving the taxpayer an opportunity of being heard, the Assessing Officer shall make the assessment of the total income or loss to the best of judgment and determine the sum payable by the taxpayer on the basis of such assessment.
If the Assessing officer has reasons to believe that any income chargeable to tax has escaped assessment for any assessment year, he may subject to the provisions of Sec 148 to 153, assess or reassess such income and also any other income chargeable to tax which comes to his notice subsequently in the course of proceedings.
Circumstances when income is deemed to have escaped assessment
The following shall be deemed to be the cases where income chargeable to tax has escaped Assessment.
Disclaimer: This article provides an overview and general guidance, not exhaustive for brevity. Please refer Income Tax Act, GST Act, Companies Act and other tax compliance acts, Rules, and Notifications for details.