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Home > GST > Help Center > e-Way Bill CreationLast Updated: Sep 23rd 2022

How to Create e-Way Bill in GST Accounting?

e-Way bill is an electronic waybill which is mandatory for Inter-State movement of goods of consignment value exceeding Rs.50,000/- in motorized conveyance.

e-Way Bill Generation Explained GST ready Accounting Software built an easier way to generate the e-way bill without login to government portal, i.e. through SMS Option. Beyond generation, you may also Update or Cancel the e-Way bill using the software.

e-Way Bill can be generated by Going to Sales > Manage Invoices and Click on the e-Way Bill button (green motor vehicle icon) against an Invoice for which you would like to generate e-Way Bill. GST system will automatically extracts the customer GSTN number and invoice date etc and show a window to fill the remaining information.

EZTax create a GST e-Way Bill Generation

Generate: Select this option to Generate a new eWay Bill for an Invoice using SMS Mode.


Customer GSTIN / URP: You need to enter your customer GSTIN if a registered entity, else you need to enter URP. URP is uncommon, but you can generate this by going to government portal.

3 Transport Type: Select the type of transaction like Outward Supply, Outward Export, Outward Job Work etc. By default, the system selects "Outward Supply" as is very common.

Invoice Date: As per the selected invoice system will automatically extract the invoice number.


Customer PIN Code: Provide the Customer Pin Code i.e. delivery location Pin Code


HSN Code: Give the HSN code of the product or goods that are being transported


Vehicle Number: You need to provide the vehicle number in which product or goods getting transferred.


Distance:You need to give the approximate distance between the place of your location / transporter to the place of buyer /consignee.


Message Text: As per the given information GST Accounting Software will prepare the SMS which needs to be sent to the department of e-Way bill


Copy or Send SMS: If you are using the GST App you can directly click on the Send SMS button, if you are using the browser, you need to copy the message text and send it from your mobile to +91 7738299899

With in few minutes (generally < 2 mins) you will receive a message with 12 digits e-Way bill number along with a confirmation

Updating e-Way Bill Explained

Updating e-Way Bill Explained

Update: Click on option Update, to update the e-way bill that was already generated using SMS mode

e-Way bill number: Number that was already generated for transporting the Goods.

Reason: Select the reason for updating the e-Way bill

Vehicle Number: Provide the new vehicle number in which product or goods are transported

Message Text:As per the given information GST Accounting Software will prepare the SMS which needs to be sent to the department of e-Way bill

Copy or Send SMS: If you are using the GST App you can directly click on the Send SMS button, if you are using the browser, you need to copy the message text and send it from your mobile to +91 7738299899

With in few minutes (generally < 2 mins) you will receive a message with 12 digits e-Way bill number with updated information.

Cancelation of e-Way Bill Explained

Cancelation of e-Way Bill Explained

Cancel: Click on this option to Cancel the e-Way bill that was already generated.

e-Way bill number: Number that was already generated for transporting the Goods.

Message Text: As per the given information GST Accounting Software will prepare the SMS which needs to be sent to the department of e-Way bill

Copy or Send SMS: If you are using the GST App you can directly click on the Send SMS button, if you are using the browser, you need to copy the message text and send it from your mobile to +91 7738299899

With in few minutes (generally < 2 mins) you will receive a message with 12 digits e-Way bill number along with a cancel confirmation

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Disclaimer: This article provides an overview and general guidance, not exhaustive for brevity. Please refer Income Tax Act, GST Act, Companies Act and other tax compliance acts, Rules, and Notifications for details.