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Home > GST > Help Center > Account ActivationLast Updated: Sep 30th 2022

How to activate an GST Account?

After registering for GST account for managing your business accounting any GST returns, you will get an email to verify eMail ID to activate your account. This is to make sure you have the access to the email ID you are using to login to.

Account activation Explained

Four steps in activating your account to access GST Software. 1. Signup for a new Account 2. Access your eMail and look for Activation eMail 3. Click on the Activate Account Button in the email to activate the account. 4. Now give your user id and password to login to the system.

EZTax GST Account Activation

Check for activation eMail: After completion of account Signup with GST Accounting (refer above image-1), you will receive an activation eMail to the eMail-ID you have given while sign up
If you receive the eMail, refer from Step-3 to activate account.


Request to re-send activation eMail: If you have not received the eMail in the primary inbox, please check spam folder. if you haven't received the eMail, please click on the Re-send the Activation e-mail refer image-2 and follow the steps to request Activation eMail. Give the same eMail with which you have signed up, and click on the Continue button

3 Respond to Activation eMail: Within the activation email that you received, click on the 'Activate Account' to activate your account and will be redirected to a login page

Login: After activation, login to the GST Accounting Software to start using the system.

In case any issues, contact Customer Service Team to help you.

How to get help from

Disclaimer: This article provides an overview and general guidance, not exhaustive for brevity. Please refer Income Tax Act, GST Act, Companies Act and other tax compliance acts, Rules, and Notifications for details.