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Home > GST > Help Center > Google Drive IntegrationLast Updated: Sep 23rd 2022

Google Drive Integration with EZTax Books Accounting Software

Team Books made conscious effort to build a seamless Integration with Google Drive to save, retrieve, and link the documents with in Books Online Accounting software to facilitate higher productivity and compliance without installation of any 3rd party plugin.
Google Drive Integration with Books

While the invoices can be generated, printed, shared through emails any number of times through Books existing functionality, the Google Drive Integration is an additional dimension to copy, share, link to an existing Google Drive to use for future reference, can be further designed to have a team collaborative environment for an effective sharing among employees / stakeholders of your business.

Works Directly with Books

No additional Software needed

Linking Original Purchase Invoices from Suppliers

Often times, business need to refer Original invoices or photo copies of such documents delivered by your suppliers need to be kept for future reference and/or an Audit. While creation of a Purchase Invoice or an Expense is to include a financial transaction, it is a best practice to link a Original Supplier invoice to the newly created Purchase / Expense entry.

Click Link Google Drive

1. Click Google Drive Link

To do this, go to Purchases > Create Purchase Invoice, before Saving the Invoice, Click Google Drive Link to link an image / document in any format.

Select a Document from Google Drive

2. Select a Document

A new window will appear to select a document from your Google Drive.

View and Save Document

3. View and Save

Once linked and Saved, the link will appear in Manage Purchases screen for viewing, searching and editing.

Final Purchase Invoice

View Supplier Invoices from Manage Purchases

Go to Purchases > Manage Purchases > search for an invoice and click on Supplier Invoice Link

Saving Tax Invoice / Documents to your Google Drive

Tax Invoice saved in Google Drive

1. Print an Invoice / Document

Once Print button is clicked, a new Save on Google Drive button will appear on top-left side of the Invoice Listing area.

Click on the above Save button to save the document in to your Google Drive.

2. Select the Drive Purchase Invoices save to google drive Explained

For the First time, the system will ask you permission for Books application to access your Google Drive.

For the Next time onwards, if you have multiple Google accounts logged in to the browser, it will ask you to select right G Drive.

After saving tax invoice

3. Get the Confirmation

Once the File is Saved in Google Drive, the Save button change to 'Saved'. This is a confirmation that the document is successfully saved in to your G Drive.

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Disclaimer: This article provides an overview and general guidance, not exhaustive for brevity. Please refer Income Tax Act, GST Act, Companies Act and other tax compliance acts, Rules, and Notifications for details.